
Kasagi Labo (hereinafter referred to as “We”, “Us”, or “Our”) hereby establishes the following guidelines (hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”) pertaining to the creation and utilization of derivative works. These Guidelines are instituted to provide fans with clarity and assurance, enabling them to relish and engage with our content in a myriad of formats.

Applicability & Scope

Applicability: These Guidelines are applicable to derivative or secondary creations that are based on the original content disseminated by Project: Verses.

Scope: The Guidelines are binding upon individuals and non-juridical entities worldwide. Any corporations or juridical entities intending to create derivative works must seek prior consent from Us.

General Principles

・Derivative works must incorporate creative elements, thereby distinguishing from the original content. ・Unauthorized replication or distribution of exclusive content is strictly prohibited.


・Creators must exhibit respect towards our talents and abstain from producing works that are offensive or portray them in a negative light. ・Derivative works should be crafted for non-commercial purposes, aligning with personal hobbies and interests. ・Sales of derivative works, including but not limited to artwork and crafts, are permissible at a non-commercial level. ・We reserve the right to request the cessation of sales activities deemed commercial in nature. ・For sales of illustrations commissioned by Us, creators must enter into separate arrangements through direct consultation with Us. ・The sale of figures, plush toys, and other three-dimensional products based on our characters is permissible solely at events where the organizers have obtained the requisite copyright licenses. For rights acquisition, please engage with the respective event organizers. ・Creators must adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and the terms and conditions stipulated by relevant platforms.


Creators must refrain from crafting works that:

・Could be misconstrued as official or endorsed by Us. ・Are deemed socially inappropriate or unacceptable. ・Advocate or represent specific ideologies, beliefs, religions, or political stances. ・Tarnish the reputation or image of Project: Verses, our talents, or our content. ・Infringe upon the rights or tarnish the image of third parties. Are determined by Us to be unsuitable or inappropriate.


・We reserve the right to amend or revise these Guidelines at Our discretion without prior notice. Creators are obliged to comply with the most current version of the Guidelines at all times.

Adherence to these Guidelines is imperative for all fans and creators engaging with content related to Project: Verses. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.